Monday, 21 February 2011

today i am going to take a break from giving you lessons in awesomeness, instead i am going to talk to you about laser tag!!

i love laser tag. it is quite frankly, the most awesome sport in the history of awesome sports.

let me tell you about how it came to be...

the year is 1831, Thomas Edison is just chilling, having a few glasses of whiskey (awesome) having just left his mistresses house (what up). He sits down, and begins to ponder "my life is pretty awesome... has it peaked? is this it? will i never get to experience more awesome things than this?" and as he does, he begins to pace around his room. His mind wanders, and he lets it, letting it take him down avenues of awesomeness, lay-byes of legendary status, and he is in a dark room.

Sirens sound, dark fog engulfs the room, and he clutches his weapon in hand, crouched low and walking quietly to avoid attracting the ever unwanted presences of the 5th graders... a noise to his left. He moves quickly and silently, the predator with the scent of its prey, and crouches behind a barrel, firing shots from his laser weapon until his prey did scream "cheat!!!" no more...

And after awaking from this half dream, half trance, he decided to invent electricity, in order to recognize his dream and create the most awesome sport of Laser Tag.

True Story

Barney x


  1. Ahh I want to the lessons in awesomness back! Thanks for the laser tag post though!

  2. Invented electricity for Laser Tag? sounds plausible to me!

  3. Where I will not disagree to your claim that Lazer-Tag is awesome (As it is in fact, very awesome), I must disagree that it is the most awesome sport ever. That title, belongs to Paintball.

    Good day, sir.

  4. Yeah, laser tag is hella fun to play.

  5. a nice historical account of how laser tag was born ;)

  6. Well that explains it all! Edison was the man.

  7. I didn't know that, thanks for sharing this, Barney. Laser tag is awesome!

  8. There's a lazer tag place in the mall here. it's fun

  9. I like laser tag thanks Thomas Edison.
